Beautiful, peaceful pregnant woman in front of nature scene.


You’ve crossed the first hurdle! Many congratulations! The next step is to maintain it.  We help keep the body as balanced and strong as possible so you are in the best position to hold and carry a healthy pregnancy. On the physical level, the body is going through tremendous changes in a mere few weeks. Pregnancy is sort of like a giant construction project within the confines of your skin. We help reduce the discomforts of pregnancy including nausea, morning sickness, low back pain and various other aches and pains of pregnancy. On the emotional level, moving into motherhood is for many of us the single biggest transition a woman makes during her adult life. Calming and centering can help us to embrace this change fully and smooth this path of growth. In the last weeks of pregnancy, acupuncture is used to prepare the body for labor, and moxibustion can help to turn a fetus with breech presentation.