We are OPEN for in-person acupuncture & Telehealth coaching sessions

We are open: acupuncture is an ESSENTIAL service.

I am glad to say that acupuncture has been declared ESSENTIAL in New York State and we are now OPEN for both in-person acupuncture and telehealth coaching appointments.

It’s so good to be back.

Now more than ever, we are all in need of healing. There is so much grief and rage, fear and uncertainty, upheaval and devastation. At the same time, there is so much possibility for true positive change. I strongly believe that trauma can be healed. And more than just healed, it can open a doorway to growth and liberation we did not know before. We have all heard about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). What we hear about much less is post-traumatic growth (PTG) and how some survivors’ lives are changed for the better. We do this one person at a time, one crack in the psyche at a time. We do this with love and patience and kindness and consistency, gently putting one foot in front of the other. THIS is how we create true transformation in ourselves and in society.

We are ALL IN and here to help as best we can to move and soothe our Qi and Blood and frayed emotions through these trying times and into the light of transformation and greater peace. If the time is right, come in and see us either in person or online.

For your convenience, we have online booking available! You can schedule your acupuncture or telehealth appointment HERE.

What happens in a telehealth coaching session? There are actually many ways to move Qi and Blood. We have always used a four-pronged strategy to create healing and balance: acupuncture, herbs, nutrition, and lifestyle guidance. In our telehealth coaching sessions, in lieu of in-person acupuncture we emphasize the other aspects and tools of TCM to create a personalized plan tailored to your specific circumstances that you will be able to use on your own. If you are curious, please read more HERE.

We are following the recommendations of the CDC and the New York Acupuncture Society to put in place strict safety protocols to protect our patients and our staff. Please take a look at the detailed changes we have made to maximize all of our safety during the Covid-19 pandemic HERE.

Lara Rosenthal